If you're a home schooler, as we are, you've most likely heard something along these lines in response to your family structure - "Wow! I could
never do
that!" I tend to reply with, oh, sure you could, or, it's much easier than you might think, but mostly I divert to another topic, because I know it's hard to truly understand when you're not living it day to day. Inside I secretly wonder if I have totally missed the mark, am I doing all I should, and why does this seem so easy, so normal? Should it be terribly hard, then I could nod to these remarks, and thank onlookers for their sympathy? Yet here I sit at my parents home in Germany, many miles away from home, my beautiful Canada, enjoying a gorgeous view, sipping coffee, guiding my awesome kids through their math, spending our reading time together and learning about geography and history without textbooks or pop quizzes. I get quality time with my sisters and parents, too, who aren't getting any younger, by the way - we are able to do life together even though we live so far apart. So when asked how I do it, maybe even why, I guess I would say our life is pretty great. We may not live a fancy one, but we certainly do live a full one. And yes, there are trying days, days I count the hours for the weekend to arrive. That's when I take a moment, look around, and I just
know. I know I can do this, I know this is an incredible journey, one I will never take for granted or wish away.